Mental Health Cards

Mental health is a vitally important topic that too often goes unacknowledged or even ignored. For people managing mental illness and the people who love them, it can be a difficult subject to approach. Mental health cards can help bridge the gap, starting conversations that lead to better understanding, better support and better outcomes. At Written Hugs Designs, we believe that mental health should be discussed openly and honestly, so we have created a collection of cards lovingly designed to do just that. 

How Mental Health Cards Show Support 

Mental health conditions can make the people living with them feel isolated, even when they are not alone and do have people who love them. Our mental health cards feature uplifting messages and designs to help show the recipient they are cared for, valued and accepted. Our carefully curated selection of mental health cards includes positive affirmations and mental health quotes and are designed specifically to uplift and inspire. 

How Unique Mental Health Cards Help Raise Awareness

So much of the unfair stigma affecting people with mental health conditions can be attributed to a simple lack of understanding and familiarity. Our mental health card collection strives to raise awareness for mental health struggles. We believe that by starting conversations about mental health in even the most unexpected places, we can help reduce that stigma and promote understanding. 

Mental Health Cards for Every Occasion 

Written Hugs Designs believes that conversations about mental health should not be limited to just one day or one month, but should be a continuous part of our lives. That’s why we offer mental health cards for a variety of occasions, including but certainly not limited to:

  • Depression/Anxiety Encouragement Cards
  • Mental Health Positive Holiday Cards
  • Encouragements and Affirmations 
  • Family Estrangement Support Cards
  • Greeting Cards with Mental Health Quotes
We want to help our customers provide comfort and affirmation to their loved ones living with the effects of a mental illness.